$457.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

If you do not already have a Seth Center course platform account, you will be prompted to create a login and password after purchase. Please do this when prompted or you will not receive the emails giving you access to your content.

Special Add-On Offer: 6-week Support & Practice Group - $797

This is an optional add-on with limited space available.

Six additional weeks of direct practical support in a facilitated small group container to learn, heal, and grow together. Each session includes guided exercises, Q&A, demonstrations, and spot coaching.

Saturdays from March 29 - May 03, 2025 at 12-2 pm EST.

Heal Yourself from the Inside Out: A 6-Week Seth Healing Intensive

End Your Suffering and Reclaim Your Power to Heal

February 15 - March 22, 2025 | Saturdays | 12:00-2:00 PM EST

Discover the transformative power of Seth’s teachings in this immersive six-week healing intensive. This course empowers you with practical tools and a multidimensional framework to heal physical symptoms by addressing their root causes and claim your innate power to create exuberant health from the inside out.

Led by Mikhaila Stettler, award-winning meditation coach, holistic doctor, energy master, and President of the Seth Center.

In This Course, You Will Learn To:

  • Understand the true causes and purposes of illness and resolve symptoms at their source.
  • Use your point of power in the present to mobilize the vast energies of your Inner Self.
  • Create therapeutic dreams to uncover and resolve the root causes of health challenges.
  • Connect with your body consciousness to trigger its natural healing processes.
  • Replace limiting beliefs with empowering attitudes that promote health and well-being.

Please Note:

The charges will appear as New Awareness Network, Inc., DBA Seth Center.

You’ll receive an email confirmation shortly after registering. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it.

Instructions on ordering course materials and accessing the course platform will be included in your confirmation email.

The content provided in this course is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for health-related concerns. This course is not a substitute for professional medical guidance. By participating in this course, you acknowledge and consent to our full medical disclaimer, available at https://sethcenter.com/pages/heal-yourself-course-medical-disclaimer.