Pay What You Can: $33 - $150

GET THE REPLAY - The Fear Experiment: How to Overcome Fear and Create a Safe Reality

A 1-Day Seth Workshop:  VIDEO REPLAY

**This workshop is already passed but you can still purchase the video replay of the workshop**

Life’s greatest experiment awaits: What happens when you stop letting fear control your reality? Step in, discover your power, and experience the freedom of a safe universe.

In this 1-day live online workshop, rooted in Seth’s profound wisdom, we’ll explore why fear arises, how it distorts your reality, and how you can consciously step beyond it. Through guided exercises and belief exploration, you’ll learn to release fear’s grip and recognize the deep truth: you live in a safe universe.

“Fear taken into the various stages of consciousness acts as a distorting lens, hiding the natural dimensions of all symbols, acting as a barrier and an impediment to free flow.”

—Seth, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Session 573

You’ll Walk Away With:

  • A deeper understanding of how fear operates in your mind, body, and life.
  • Practical tools to address fear in the moment, shift your perspective, and anchor yourself in the reality of a safe universe.
  • Renewed confidence in your inner wisdom and a deeper sense of trust in life and your daily experience.



The charges will appear as New Awareness Network, Inc., DBA Seth Center.

You’ll receive an email confirmation shortly after registering. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it.

Instructions on accessing the workshop will be included in your confirmation email.